We have been faithful to our position as specialists for the development and production of fittings and fastening machines since the founding of our Company over 100 years ago. We develop and produce exclusively in Germany and therefore continue to be recognised for the still valid quality concept of “Made in Germany“. All products are, however, sold worldwide and this represents almost 80% of our sales. |
The quality of our products and services, including the continuing first class quality of our fittings and the reliability of our services have contributed to our having built up long term and trusting partnerships with our customers since our foundation in 1910. Our Development and Design Department work continuously on further development of existing products and the development and realisation of new product ideas and innovative production processes. |
Customer orientated thinking and our aim to make the best always a little better has produced a wealth of solutions, frequently in close cooperation with our customers. A number of patents over the previous decades have proved our readiness and ability to keep abreast of and ahead of ever changing requirements and to successfully realise these.
In these practiced values of sustainability, openness and acceptance of the ever changing modern trends, we see the reasons for the successful existence of our Company over the past 100 years. Commitment to these values enables us to look to the future full of hope and confidence. |

Schmale – Optimum quality since 1910.
Quality, reliability & durability are just some of the outstanding Schmale characteristics …

Clasp system
Metal clasps for various applications.
Technical innovations: The machines.
Machines for attaching hinges and locks (from the reel and individual), combined machines…